The property is located on Ladypool road within the Sparkbrook area, being approximately 2 miles south-east of Birmingham City Centre. The subject premises are situated in a prominent position on Ladypool Road within a parade of shops occupied by other local independent retailers. The position benefits from a strong passing footfall with a wide range of trades represented in the vicinity.
The property is a mid-terraced two-storey building of brick built construction surmounted by a part-pitched tiled roof and part flat roof. The vacant accommodation is available on the first floor and benefits from laminated flooring throughout, plaster & painted walls, light points, gas fired central heating, kitchenette, WC facilities.
Energy Performance Certificate:
Details available upon request.
We are advised all main services are connected.
Please refer any queries to Birmingham City Council Planning Department on 0121 303 1115.
Tenure / Price:
The property is available at a rent of £20,000 per annum on a FRI basis, subject to contract. Terms to be agreed.
Business Rates:
The property is currently listed within the 2023 rating listing as have a rateable value of £14,250. Rates payable will be in the region of £7,110.75 per annum.
Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries to Birmingham City Council on 0121 303 5511.
We understand that the property is not elected for VAT.
Legal Costs:
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred during this transaction.